Ability Foundation is a national cross disability organisation established in 1995 as a public charitable trust for the empowerment and mainstreaming of persons with disabilities (PwD). Ability Foundation and NIFT Chennai have together worked on “Inclusive Fashion” - a project that aims to take forward sensitive and empathetic fashions suited to the physical limitations of persons with disabilities since the year 2013. The project comprises of a student competition which aims at creating designs customized to this niche clientele, which would lead them to independent living. Several sensitization sessions and interactions are organized with persons with disabilities identified by Ability Foundation and the NIFT students, especially belonging to Semester V of all design streams. It starts with students getting a grip on the wish list of the special clients’ special needs with their preferred colours and styles. The award includes a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- for the best design solution which would be adjudged by a distinguished Jury and a citation from the foundation. The expenditure incurred by the students in the product development was sponsored by Ability Foundation. Several student teams worked voluntarily with passion and dedication and created a line of clothing and accessories for several special clients so far.