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Declaration of result for engagement of YOUNG PROFESSIONAL in NIFT
Declaration of Results for the interview for various posts at CoEK Projects
List of eligible and ineligible applicants for various posts at CoEK
Engagement of Retired Government Servant as Consultant (Administration & Establishment) in NIFT
Cancellation/Withdrawal of Advt. No. 02/Estt/NIFT-HO/2024 dated 13.09.2024
Engagement of Young Professional in NIFT
CoEK 2.0 recruitments
Engagement of Consultant in NIFT - Advt. No. 02/Estt./NIFT-HO/2024-25
Cancellation - Withdrawal of Advertisement Notification No. NFDI/HR/2022/01 Published in the Times of India dated 30-11-22 and Navbharat Time dated 01-12-22 for inviting application for the following posts at NIFT Foundation for Design Innovation - NFDI
Expression of Interest for Chief Operating Officer for the NIFT Foundation for Design Innovation - NFDI
Declaration of result for Young Professional - Advt. No. 01/Estt./NIFT-HO/2024-25
Cancellation / Withdrawal of Advertisement Notification No. 10/Estt./NIFT-HO/2023 dated 14-03-2024 for inviting applications to the post of “Chief Executive Officer (CEO)” for NIFT Foundation for Design Innovation (NFDI)
Engagement of Young Professionals in NIFT on Short Term Contract basis
Screenign Results for the post of JRF under HPFPC project
Declaration of Result-Engagement of Young Professional
EOI for Film making under Phase -2 of the project Setting up of Design Resource Centres (DRCs) in Weavers Service Centres (WSCs)
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF), for Research Project - HPFPC
Important Notice No.-1 for Conducting of Interview through online mode- Engagement of "YOUNG PROFESSIONALS ''
Screening of applications for engagement of Young Professionals- Advt. No. 09/Estt/NIFT-HO/2023 & Corrigendum No. NIFT/HO/AA/1/2024/528
Declaration of Result - Engagement for the position of "Building Advisor" on retainership in NIFT-EOI dated 18-09-2023
IMPORTANT NOTICE - Postponement of selection process and Interviews for all posts In NIFT
CORRIGENDUM NO.1 - Recruitment of Young Professionals in NIFT
Interview Schedule - Joint Director, Dy. Director (F&A), Asst. Exe. Engineer, Asst. Director (OL), Vigilance Officer & Sr. Asst. Director(Admin)
Screening of Applications - Joint Director, Dy. Director (F&A), Asst. Exe. Engineer, Asst. Director (OL), Vigilance Officer & Sr. Asst. Director(Admin)
Interview Schedule - Campus Director, Director(HO), Director(F&A) & Project Engineer
Notice_Interview schedule - Building Advisor
Screening of applications - Campus Director, Director(HO), Director (F&A), Project Engineer & Director (NRC)
Notification - Extension of last date for submission of applications for the post of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for NIFT Foundation for Design Innovation (NFDI)
Recruitment of Young Professionals(YPs) on Short Term Contract basis in NIFT
Recruitment of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for NIFT Foundation for Design Innovation (NFDI)
Recruitment for the post of Senior Assistant (Administration) and Senior Assistant (Finance & Accounts) on deputation basis in NIFT
Public Notice - Advt. No. 06/Estt/NIFT-HO/2023 & 07/Estt/NIFT-HO/2023
Recruitment of Group - 'A' Posts on Deputation / Contract in NIFT - Advt. No. 07/Estt./NIFT-HO/2023
Recruitment for the post of Campus Directors and Director (Head Office) - Advt. No. 06/Estt./NIFT-HO/2023
Recruitment of Campus Directors (Delhi and Chennai) - Advt. No. 05/Estt/NIFT-HO/2023
Various posts Job opportunities for The Repository--Indian Textiles and Crafts (RTC) project.
Important Notice - Last date for submission of applications for the various posts in NIFT
Advt. No. 04/Estt./NIFT-HO/2023 - Recruitment for the post of Director (Finance & Accounts) on deputation / contract
Date extension - EOI for the position of Building Advisor on retainership in NIFT
Inviting for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the position of Building Advisor on retainership in NIFT
Advt. No. 03/Estt./NIFT-HO/2023 - Recruitment of Group 'A' Officers in NIFT on Deputation / Contract basis
Vacancy circular for the post of Director, in each of the National Institutes of Design (NIDs) namely NID Ahmedabad, NID Andhra Pradesh, NID Assam, NID Haryana and NID Madhya Pradesh, in the Level-l4 of the Pay Matrix (Rs.1,44,200-2,18,200) plus allowance
Advt. No. 01/Estt/NIFT-HO/2023 - Recruitment of Campus Directors and Director (NRC) on contract/deputation
Advt. No. 02/Estt/NIFT-HO/2023 - Recruitment of Joint Directors and Deputy Directors (Finance & Accounts) on contract/deputation
CoEK Recruiting Communication Designer at New Delhi
Vacancy circular for the post of Director, in each of the National Institutes of Design (NIDs) namely Ahmedabad, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh.
Filling up of the post of Director General on deputation basis in National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), New Delhi - Last date for receipt of applications extended further upto 30th June, 2023
Interview Schedule for eligible candidates for various posts for the CoEK
Notice for the post of DG-NIFT
Advertisement for the Post of DG-NIFT
CoEK- Position Vacant of Manager Administration at New Delhi
Declaration of result of the interview for the post of Creative Visualizer, Content Manager and Research Associate for the RTC Project.
Cancellation of recruitment process against advertisement Number: NFDI/HR/2022/01 for Junior Assistant
Interview for various posts for the RTC Project of NIFT.
Corrigendum for Advt. No. 02/Estt./NIFT-HO/2022
Declaration of Final Result of MIS Coordinator - Advt. No. 07/Direct Rectt-Contract-MIS Posts/2019
List of Eligible Candidates for various posts of RTC Project
Recruiting various positions for NFDI. The last date for submission of the application form is 31.12.2022
Recruitment for the post of Project Engineer, Deputy Director (F&A) and Assistant Executive Engineer in NIFT
Declaration of result for the interview to hire the professionals for Photography and Videography for the RTC Project, NIFT
Result Declaration - Campus Director & Project Engineer-Advt. No. 01/Estt/NIFT-HO/2022
Screening of applications to hire the professionals for Photography and Videography for the RTC Project of NIFT.
Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Sports Coach in NIFT Delhi Campus.
Declaration of Eligible candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow against the advertisement dated 25/07/2022 advertised at NIFT Website
Expression of Interest as Guest Teacher for instruction at SoSEs, under Government of NCT of Delhi under project for short duration
Declaration of Result for the Professor - Advt. No. 02/Rectt/Professor/Cont&Depu/Mar/2021
Schedule of Technical Test for the Post of MIS Coordinator-Advt. No. 07/Direct Rectt-Contract/MIS Posts/2019
Last date for applying to the post of Campus Director, Joint Director and Project Engineer is 03-10-2022
Inviting Expression of Interest (EoI) for hiring Individual Professionals for Photography and Videography
Various posts Job opportunities for The Repository--Indian Textiles and Crafts (RTC) project.
Additional Instructions for candidates appearing for Presentation/Interview on 9th & 10th September, 2022 to the post of Professor
Presentation & Interview Schedule for the post of Professor-Advt. No. 02/Rectt/Professor/cont&Depu/Mar/2021
Declaration of Final Result of Assistant Professor - 07/Assistant Professor/Contract/2021
Advt. No. 01/Estt./NIFT-HO/2022 - Recruitment for the post of Campus Director, Project Engineer and Joint Director in NIFT
Inviting Expressions of Interest for posting at NIFT Daman-For circulation amongst Officers & Staff
ToR for the position of JRF- Junior Research Fellow
Declaration of Result w.r.t. Advt. No 08/Estt/NIFT-HO/2021
Declaration of Result w.r.t. Advt. No 06/Estt/HO/2021
Expressions of Interest from faculty for NIFT Daman & Diu
Notice for the candidates for the post of Campus Director, Director(IT) & Project Engineer - Advt. No. 08/Estt/NIFT-HO/2021
List of Provisionally Eligible and Not-Eligible Candidates - Campus Director, Director(IT) & Project Engineer
Instructions-Candidates Appearing for Presentation & Interview(Advt. No.07/Assistant Professor/Contract/2021)
Expression of Interest as Guest Teacher for instruction at SoSEs, under Government of NCT of Delhi under project for short duration
Written Exam Result_Advt. No.07/Assistant Professor/Contract/2021
Declaration of result for the post of MIS Coordinator, Software Engineer and Junior Software Engineer
Important Notice for candidates to the post of Assistant Professor
Expressions of Interest for posting / transfer in Fashion Design, NIFT Bhopal
Declaration of Result for the post of Junior Translation Officer/Junior Hindi Translator
Screening of applications for various posts for the RTC Project of NIFT
Declaration of result for the post of Assistant Director(Administration), Senior Librarian & Senior Assistant (Administration) on deputation basis
Important Notice for Date of Examination - Assistant Professor
Provisionally Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Professor
Time Slots for attending Interview on 06th May, 2022 for Group - "B" posts on deputation basis
Screening of applications as Provisionally Eligible and Not Eligible for the post of Professor
List of reviewed representation for Group - B post on deputation basis
List of Eligible and Not eligible candidates who had applied for the various posts at VisioNxt
Notice for conducting ONLINE interviews on 6th May, 2022
Recruitment for the post of Campus Director, Director(Information Technology) & Project Engineer
Notice for Modification in the name of candidates mentioned in Annexure – A (Schedule of Interview)
Interview for the Posts of Assistant Director(Admin.), Sr. Librarian, Sr. Assistant (Admin.) and Assistant Librarian
List of Provisionally Eligible and Not Eligible Candidates for the post of Group A & B on Deputation basis
Result for the post of Research Assistant(IT), Technical Consultant(IT) and Technical Assistant(IT) for the RTC Project
Job Announcements for VisioNxt Project
Interview Schedule for various posts for the RTC Project of NIFT
Recruitment to the posts of Content Team Leader for RTC Project
List of Provisionally Eligible and Ineligible Candidates for the post of Campus Director, Director(IT) and Project Engineer
Expression of Interest as Guest Teacher for instruction at SoSEs, under Government of NCT of Delhi under project for short duration
Updated Screening list of applications for various posts for the RTC Project of NIFT
Corrigendum-II and Notice in regard to the Advertisement No. 06/Estt./HO/2021, dated 03.11.2021 for the Recruitment of Group A & B post on Direct Recruitment on Contract and Deputation basis
Recruitment on short term contract basis at NIFT Campus, Chennai
Recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professor on contract basis - Advt. No.07/Assistant Professor/Contract/2021
Declaration of Result for the post of Campus Director at NIFT Jodhpur and Kolkata
Corrigendum in regard to the Advertisement No. 06/Estt./HO/2021, dated 03.11.2021 for the Recruitment of Group A & B post on Direct Recruitment on Contract and Deputation basis
Recruitment of Group A & B post on Direct Recruitment on Contract and Deputation basis
Result for the post of Research Associate and Research & Information Resource for the RTC Project
Advertisement for hiring Photograher WSC DRC Phase-2
Advertisement for hiring Documnetor WSC DRC Phase-2
Center of Excellence for Khadi (CoEK)- Candidates shortlisted as 'Provisionally Eligible' and 'Ineligible' for interviews- Phase II
Declaration of Result for Selection to the post of Computer Engineer
Declaration of Result for Selection to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil)
Declaration of Result for Selection to the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical)
List of Provisionally Eligible and Ineligible candidates for the post of Joint Directors on Deputation basis
Requirement of Interns under VisioNxt Project
Online Interviews for the post of Research Associate for the RTC project postponed to 04th Oct 2021
Declaration of Final Result for Selection to the Post of Assistant Professor in NIFT
Online Interview for the post of Research Associate for the RTC Project
List of Eligible Candidates for the post of Research Associate for RTC Project
Screening Results for Applications received against the position of Research Associate-SWS Incubator, NFDI
Declaration of Result for the post of Assistant Database Administrator
Center of Excellence for Khadi (CoEK)- Candidates shortlisted as 'Provisionally Eligible' and 'Ineligible' for interviews
NIFT Foundation for Design Innovation (NFDI) invites applications from NIFT alumni
Revised List - Candidates shortlisted as "Provisionally Eligible" and "Ineligible" for the post of Campus Director(NIFT Jodhpur & Kolkata) and Director(Information Technology)
List of applicants applied for various posts for RTC Project
Faculty requirement at NIFT Panchkula - Expression of Interest(EOI)
Recruitment for the post of joint director in NIFT on deputation basis
Re-scheduling of Interview from 22nd July to 24th July, 2021 for the Competency "F" and "K"
Selection for the post of Registrar, Director(F&A), Campus Director (Delhi) and Campus Director (Panchkula)
Declaration of result for the post of Accounts Officer, Deputy Director (F&A) and Hind Officer / Assistant Director (Official Language)
Various posts Job opportunities for The Repository--Indian Textiles and Crafts (RTC) project.
Revised List of Candidates shortlisted as "Provisional Eligible" and "Ineligible" for the post of Registrar, Director (Finance & Account) and Project Engineer_03.06.2021
Notification for extension of last date for submission of application forms to the post of Professors, Campus Directors and Director (IT)
Selection to the post of Hindi Officer-Screening of applications
Recruitment to the posts of Technical Consultant(IT) and Documentation and Metadata Creator for RTC Project
Recruitment Notification for the post of Campus Director(Jodhpur & Kolkata) and Director(Information Technology)
Recruitment of Professors in NIFT
Recruitment for the post of Campus Director and Joint Director on contract/deputation basis in NIFT
Recruitment to the posts of Accounts Officer(Level-10) on Deputation basis in NIFT
Interview for the post of Documentation & Metadata creator for the RTC Project
Notice for Skill Test & online interview for the lab technicians & Research Associate
Interview for the post of Technical Consultant (IT) for the RTC Project
Interview for the post of Creative Visualizer for the RTC Project
Selection of the Candidates for the various posts for RTC project
List of Eligible Candidates for the Interview for the various Posts for RTC Project
Notification_Rectt. of Accounts Officer(Level-10) on deputation basis_ List of Shortlisted & Not-Shortlisted Candidates
Notification_Rectt. of DD(F&A)(Level-11) on deputation basis_ List of Shortlisted & Not-Shortlisted Candidates
Recruitment to the post of the lab technicians under NIFT Foundation for design Innovation company on a contract basis
Recruitment to the post of Research Associate under NIFTFoundation for design Innovation company on a contract basis
Online Interviews for the posts of Content Team Leader and Content Manager for the RTC project preponed to 27th Nov. 2020.
Job Announcements for VisioNxt Project
Revised List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Content Manager and Content Team Lead
TOR's for post of Content Writer ( On man day basis) for project PRATIBHA
Result Notification - Selection to posts of Joint Director(Level-12) on deputation basis in NIFT
Recruitment Process of ERP team
Notice inviting expressions of interest (EOI) for NIFT Panchkula campus
Partial Modification of Notification dated 21.08.2020 regarding list of Eligible, Prov.Eligible & Not-Eligible Applicants
Recruitment of Chief Operating Officer (Fashion & Lifestyle Accessories Incubator) - List of Provisionally Eligible and Not- Eligible Candidates
Advertisement to the post of Hindi Officer on contract and deputation basis (Advt No. 04/Hindi Officer/Contract&Deputation/September/2020)- last date of receipt of applications till 16th November 2020
Expression of Interest (EOI) called from MTS for promotion of Driver at Head Office
Junior Software Engineer Rectt (Advt. No.06/Direct Rectt-Contract/ERP Posts/ 2019) List of Eligible, Provisionally Eligible and Not-Eligible Candidates
Hiring of Photographer for WSC Project
Hiring of Documenter for WSC Project
Public notice_Re-Activation of Online Application Window for Junior Translation Officer Recruitment
The list of Applicants whose applications were received for the various posts advertised for recruitment for The Repository--Indian Textiles and Crafts (RTC) project
Advt.No.03-2020-Direct Rectt-Contract-JTO :- for direct recruitment on contract basis to the post of Junior Translation Officer
Joint Director Rectt on Deputation_Notification containing list of Eligible, Provisionally Eligible and Not-Eligible Candidates
Cancellation of Recruitment for the posts of Assistant Director w.r.t. Advt.No.05/Rectt.Group-A&B Posts/Deputation/2019
Selection to the post of Chief Executive Officer for NIFT Design Innovation Incubator (DII) Project
Selection for the post of Director Head Office* (on Deputation) AdvtNo. : No.01/Dep&Cont/Director/2018
Last Date Extended till 30.06.2020 to submit Incubatee Proposal
Cancellation of Recruitment for the posts of Junior Hindi Translator w.r.t. Advt. No.01/Junior Hindi Translator/Contract/2019
Selection for the post of Registrar (on Deputation) Advt No.: No.02/Registrar/Deputation/2019
Result of Recruitment for the INDIAsize project conducted on 16th January 2020
Postponement of Interviews to be held on 10th February 2020
Declaration of Result - Selected Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor with reference to Advt. No.02/Cont/Astt.Prof/2018
Screening result of the applications against the Advt No.03/Project Engineer/Deputation/2019
Advt No.01/2020-Rectt-Deputation-Group-A Posts(Joint Director, DD-F&A, Executive Engineer and Accounts Officer )
Short term contract basis position for USTTAD Project
Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EoI) for selection of Chief Operating Officer (COO) for the Project "NIFT Design Innovation Incubators (NDII)
Selection to the posts of Campus Director w.r.t. Advt. No.04/Campus Director/Deputation/2019
Schedule for Presentation & Interview for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professor w.r.t. Advt. No.02/Cont/Asstt. Prof/2018
List of shortlisted candidates for Interview to the post of Campus Director w.r.t. Advt. No.04/Campus Director/Deputation/2019
Direct Recruiment on various Group- A&B posts on Contract Basis
Notice for extension of closing date for the posts of Assistant Professor w.r.t. Advt. No.09/Assistant Professor/Contract/2019
Corrigendum to the Advt. No.09/Assistant Professor/Contract/2019-Recruitment for the posts of Assistant Professor
Results of the Recruitment for INDIAsize project conducted on 11th & 12 January 2019
Cancellation of Recruitment for the post of Assistant Board Secretary & Legal Officer w.r.t. Advt. No.04/ABS & LO/2018
Selection to the post of Director (F&A) - Advt no. 01/Dep&Cont/Director/2018
Selection to the post of Director (Administration) - Advt no. 01/Dep&Cont/Director/2018
Advertisement for Gr. A Posts on deputation basis
Advt. for the posts of Campus Director (Advt. No.04/Campus Director/Deputation/2019-reg.
Advertisement for the post of Project Engineer (Advt. No.03/Project Engineer/Deputation/2019)
Advertisement for the post of Registrar (Advt. No.02/Registrar/Deputation/2019)
Recruitment to the post of junior hindi translator on contract basis
Selection to the post of Hindi Officer in NIFT w.r.t. Advt. No.03/Hindi Officer/Contract/August 2018
Selection to the post of Assistant Professor - Advt. No.02/Cont/Asstt. Prof/2018
Admit card for written/skill test for the post of Computer Engineer on short term contract basis
List of provisionally shortlisted candidates for Written/Skill Test to be held on 09.03.2019 against advertisement for the post of Computer Engineer on short term contract basis.
Corrigendum to the Advt. No.01/Junior Hindi Translator/Contract/2019
Filling up the post of "Assistant Board Secretary & Legal Officer" on Deputation/Direct recruitment (Contract) basis.
List of Shortlisted Candidates for Skill Test and Interview for the Recruitment to the INDIAsize Project
Declaration of Result - Selected Candidates for the Post of Assistant Professor with reference to Advt No. 02/Cont/Asstt Prof/2018
Clarifications on Instructions for post of Scanner Operation Executive under INDIAsize Project
Clarifications on Instructions for post of Anthropologist/ Ergonomistunder INDIAsize Project
Selection to the post of Hindi Officer- Advt no. 03/Hindi Officer/Contract/August 2018
List of shortlisted candidates for post of Scanner Operation Executive under INDIAsize Project
List of shortlisted candidates for post of Anthropologist/ Ergonomist under INDIAsize Project
List of shortlisted candidates for post of Research Associate under INDIAsize Project
Candidates shortlisted for Presentation & Interview for the posts of Assistant Professors (Advt. No.02/Cont/Asstt Prof/2018)
Application to the post of ‘Computer Engineer’ on short term contract basis
NIFT invites applicant for the following position on short term contract basis as per details given below for the Computerized Sewing Skill Evaluation System (CSSES) project
Corrigendum to Advt No. 02/Cont/AssttProf/2018 dated 23.02.2018 for PWD candidates only
NOTICE- Selection to the posts of Assistant Professor-Advt No. 02/Cont/Asstt.Prof/2018 and Corrigendum thereof
Notice for Recruitment for the posts of Joint Director, Hindi Officer, Jr. Engineer (Elect), Jr. Engineer (Civil), Senior MIS Coordinator & MIS Coordinator
Corrigendum to Advt No. 02/Cont/AssttProf/2018 dated 23.02.2018 for PWD candidates only
Short Term Appointment on contract basis in INDIAsize Project
Marks obtained by Selected Candidates against Recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor through Special Recruitment Drive (Advt No. 02/Direct Rectt/Asstt.Prof/2017)
Proforma of Application for the post of Hindi Officer
Advertisement for the post of Hindi Officer
Declaration of result : Regularization of Assistant Professors on completion of 5 or more years of service on long term contract
List of shortlisted candidates for interview to the post of Hindi Officer on deputation basis
Recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor on contract basis for Advt No 02/Cont/Asstt.Prof/2018.
Result for selection to the post of Hindi Officer w.r.t. Advertisement No.01/Deputation/Oct.2017
Recruitment for the posts of Director (Campuses, Finance & Accounts, Administration) on Deputation / Direct Recruitment (Regular/Contract) Advt No .01/Dep&Cont/Director/2018
List of Provisionally eligible candidates for the Post of Assistant Professors - Advt No.02|Direct Rectt/Astt Prof./2017
Admit Card for the written test for the post of Assistant Professor
Schedule for Presentation and Interview for the post of Assistant Professor against the Advt. No.02/Direct Rectt./Asstt.Prof./2017 (Special Recruitment Drive)
NIFT CSSES PROJECT-selected candidate
Notice For Recruitment
List of Provisionally Eligible and Ineligible Candidates for the post of Campus Director in NIFT- Advt No. 01/Dep&Cont/Director/2018.
EOI for engagement for Editorial tasks at NIFT, Head Office
Notice for Recruitment for the posts of Joint Director, Hindi Officer, Jr. Engineer (Elect), Jr. Engineer (Civil), Senior MIS Coordinator & MIS Coordinator
Short term contract basis positions for USTTAD Project
Selection for the posts of Campus Directors- Advt No. 01/Dep&Cont/Director/2018
Declaration of Result- Selected/Waitlisted Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor w.r.t. Advt No. 02/Direct Rectt/Asstt Prof./2017 through Special Recruitment Drive
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